2017 - 2024

Summer '24
Downhill Tour Summer 2024
By and By - NeedtoBreathe
How we earned our summer vaction.
Ellipsis Trailer - Are You Rich?
Change The World - Cody Martin
We are…and we share it.

Winter '23 '24
Ellipsis Trailer 1.0
They say “…write what you know…”
Across the 2024 Season we will be working on this project… our story.
But listen closely…
Because it’s in what we don’t say, in the words that we omit, that you may find what matters most, the real story…

Winter '22 '23 Steffen 7 Season
Vibe Version - 11:22
More beats per minute.
No fluff.
S3 aka Malia 02:05
Surprise Yourself - Jack Garratt
Accomplishments and surprises…this girl is just getting started.
S4 aka Zadok 02:13
Higher Ground (Dub Mix) Red Hot Chili Peppers
Breathe 1st…’cuz you may not exhale ’till it’s done.
Full Version - 22:35
The “Family n Friends” version.
All the interviews, all the personalities.
S1 aka Dad 04:24
No Ordinary - Labrinth
6 minutes…
Just give him those 6 minutes…and some tissue! Geeze, Dad!
Z Stump Transition
Melt - Shaed
When you find that stump jump on a powder day and you hit it again…and again…
Malia's Cat Ski Trip
Electric Woman - Wilder Woods
Malia found a mentor and her tribe! She was able to connect with Girls with Grit, Shannon and Andy Mahre, earning a spot on a Cat Trip with them.
She may also have landed her 2023/2023 job as a BC Tail skier!
Burton Blossom 158
Higher Ground - Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Burton comes through again! The flexi smooth Blossom blew Z’s mind on park laps – jams and ramps – it handled it all!
Learning to FLy - 1st Day
More Than You Know - Axwell /\ Ingrosso
Big Sis’s 1st hits off the ’30’s & ’60’s.
Like watching a baby bird being pushed out of the nest =)
Signed – Lil’ Bro #1
Burton Custom 158 2024
Meridian - Odesza
Z had some equipment issues and Burton stepped up with the hook up – a Burton Custom 2024 straight from the factory in Austria. They even printed his birthdate as the serial #!
Closing Weekend '22/23
Goodby - Filous feat. Mat Kearney
Nobody wants to say goodbye…
Inaugural Rowdy Rail Jam Podium
You Gots To Chill - EPMD
New contest, new set up, new skills…same crew on the podium.
Rowdy Rail Jam Promo
Flower - Moby
The Rowdy Grouse host the inaugural Rowdy Rail Jam. We wanted to help promo it!

Inaugural Rowdy Rail Jam @ Schweitzer
You Gots To Chill - EPMD
New contest, new set up, new skills.
Winter 2023 Z's Stump /Transition
Shaed - Melt
When you find a stump, hit it over and over and…
Winter 2023 Z's Full Layout
Rock the Bells - Boys Noize
We heard the rumors, heard about all the “almosts”. Then we caught the first landing.
Summer 2022 Steffen 7
Times Like These (Accoustic) - FOO FIGHTERS
Our favorite spot sans snow!
This was redemptive for Malia, 1st time on a drone for Z, and simply a magical time for all of us.
Winter 2020/2021 Steffen 7
It's Only - ODESZA (feat. Zyra)(ODESZA VIP Remix)
We set out for 40…we made 38.
38 days on the mountain as a family.
Best season yet…
…205 days until 2021/2022 Opening Day.

Meridian - ODESZA
Sometimes a better song gets played…
One run, one shot. Four minutes and 49 seconds.
4:49 => full day => full life.
A lifetime for a Dad and his son.
It's Only - ODESZA (feat. Zyra)(ODESZA VIP Remix)
One run, one shot. Four minutes and 49 seconds.
4:49 => full day => full life.
A lifetime for a Dad and his son.

OPENING DAY 2020 - 2021
line of sight - odesza (feat. waynne and masionair)
Schweitzer opened for season pass holders a week early this year.
So Malia and I worked out new equipment, cameras, and old knees…off 1 lift.
Conditions were better than expected and we scored some freshies on what was out of bounds on that day.
Looking forward to more lifts opening and the boys joining us.

Winter 2019/2020 Steffen 7
feelings that I know - august anderrsun
Unlike any other year.
Much of this footage was shot during the last week of the season…literally up until they closed the mountain due to something no one had ever heard of – COVID 19.
We were staying on the mountain that week, a full month before the season was scheduled to close, and it became an odd routine:
Wake up, call down…” are the lifts opening today?”…have breakfast, ride all day, then hang out at Chimney Rock with the only people left on the mountain. There were two other families and a group of old college buddies, one now living in Manhattan, one in Chicago, I don’t recall where the third lived.
There was a real Isaiah 22 vibe going on…”eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.”
We would toast, pause for a call from Manhattan with updates on the virus, and then toast again.
Shortly after we captured the closing sequence, Z and Malia headed down an empty Stomping Grounds, mountain staff informed us it was time to leave, the mountain was closing. And just like that it all ended…and began.
Goodbye Winter 2018-19
happy day - david crowder
Elias makes it to the Outback, Malia and Z Charge pond skimming, and a Dad’s dream is realized.
All six of us, on Stella together. The six minutes it takes to ride the lift produced a lifetime of memories.
Listen close…it’s not hard to hear a Dad choke up more than once.